Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Find Your Passion and Give It A Big Hug

If I had a dollar for everytime I heard someone say, “I don’t know what my passion is.” or “I can’t find my passion.” I wouldn’t need to work anymore. (But I still would, because my work is my passion and I love doing it).

Those statements are perfectly valid. However, there is usually more behind that feeling of not knowing what your passion is than you might think. You see, when it comes to people and their passions, there are 3 basic possibilities:

1. You don’t know what your true passion is.
2. You know your passion but have not acknowledged it.
3. You know your passion and live by it.

Interestingly enough, most people feel they are in group 1, but once they explore things a bit they realize they are in group 2.

If you are truly in group 1, you are in a tough spot. I completely admit it. If you honestly have no idea what drives you and makes you happy, it means that you haven’t experienced it yet. After all, if underwater basket weaving is your passion but you have never been in a situation where you had to do some weaving at the bottom of a pool, how would you know that it would get your blood flowing? So what do you do if that is the case? Jump off of your chair and go live life! Go to the places in town you haven't been. Talk to people you normally wouldn't. Sign up for classes that you have been embarrased to join (go zoomba it up gents!). In short, if you really don't know your passion, it means that your life is being lived in the wrong realm and you need to step into a different realm and explore. Eventually you will find that activity, cause or idea that fires you up like nothing else does. That is when you have to avoid falling into the trap of group 2.

If you are in group 2, you are with the majority of people. This means that you know what fires you up and makes you feel all tingly inside but, for whatever reason, you choose not to pursue it. The reason may be that you don't know how to build a business around it. Or that you feel you aren't good enough at it. Or that your friends will think you are weird if you pursue it. Or that every time you think of it you hear your dad's voice in your head saying, "Wake up and smell the liniment! Get a haircut and get a real job!" Whatever your reason for not pursuing your passion, I offer you this response:

"Wake up and smell the liniment!" (insert shocking, yet caring, double handed shirt grab so you can't escape while I excitedly yell in your face here) "If you know what it is that makes you happy (or at least have an idea of what area it is) OWN IT! Grab it and make it yours! This is the answer to the question you keep asking about what else is there to life! It's is right in front of you! Take it!!!!! ROAR!!!!!" 

Phew, I'll calm down now (insert polite readjustment of your shirt here)

It is completely possible that your passion may not be able to become a business, or that your friends might think you are weird. But if you know what makes you happy, accept it and try to make it a part of as much of your life as possible. This is where happiness dwells! It might make you rich, it might not; but it will give you a sense of fulfillment and happiness that you won't find anywhere else. 

Imagine waking up every day knowing that you have built what you love into every possible part of your life! It is very possible if you commit to doing it. That is when you become one of the people in group 3. Those who know their passion and follow it. That is when you stop feeling like life is empty and start feeling like you are doing what is is you were meant to do.

To help with finding your passion, take a look at my previous blog "6 Questions to Help Your Find Your Passion" or attend one of my "Discover Your Passion Workshops" (The next one being July 30 in Edmonton.

Now, get out there, find your passion, give it a big hug and bring it into every part of your life that you can!

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